Alexey Zverolovlev
The six performance from "The Twelve Zelenogradian Performances" series.
18 May 2003 y. 18.00 - 20.00, pedestrian crossing in Zelenograd.
(Photo by Nadezhda Zverolovleva)
To my regret, the performance was alloyed by the death of the old man at
the bus stop. It happens in 20 meters from the pedestrian crossing, just before
the beginning. Ambulance and militia arrived, and all two hours of the
performance a black plastic bag with a dead body was in my sight.
The performance was minimalistic. Possibly, too minimalistic. I was crossing
street to and fro during two hours. By the way the name of the performance
"CXII" - it's a number of my crossings, hundred and twelve.
It was a great pleasure to me, to made this performance. Warm, spring day,
glittering sun, and good opportunity to stretch my legs.
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